
Simple, Logical, Natural Living

Time for Impatience June 3, 2012

Potato Plants

The potatoes growing strong.

I check my garden every day, sometimes multiple times per day just waiting to catch the first signs of something I missed last time I checked. Again, as I have said before, I just check which means “look and don’t touch.” (Nature gets insulted if you act like it’s helpless and lets you know it’s angry.) The tomato plants have flowers, the potatoes are growing overnight, the radishes are getting some bulk, the celery is getting taller, fatter, and stronger, the beans are trained to climb the pole – but still I am waiting. I go through this every year, waiting for the first nice harvest kills me although this year the strawberries are amazing so I cannot complain. My favorite days are ones when I have to bring the basket in a couple of times to empty before I go out for more and then take the rest of the day deciding what to do with everything. There is nothing more rewarding than using something you just picked from the garden. Yesterday I ate a strawberry I picked off the vine just seconds before – nothing like it. I feel I am in a lull but when the harvest starts, I cannot wait to share my enthusiasm, cooking, and preserving. Gardening is zen for my soul and joy for my tummy.


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